Fiji Village Project (FVP)

FVP Logo


The Fiji Village Project (FVP) is a not-for-profit international humanitarian project, initiated by medical students, based on models from the World Health Organisation (WHO), International Federation of Medical Students Associations and Fiji School of Medicine Public Health Curriculum. The annual project is executed by medical, dental, nursing and public health students from Australia, Fiji and New Zealand. The project aims to promote health in the South Pacific region and provides the opportunity of a cultural exchange between our Pacific neighbouring countries whilst working towards a common goal.

FVP is an annual two-week project, that usually runs in January, organised by the Australian, New Zealand and Fijian FVP coordinators. Each year, a remote Fijian village is selected according to a feasibility study conducted by the Fijian coordinator; the criteria is that the village is not connected to water mains and does not have a sustainable, clean, drinking water source. Below you will find a breakdown of the mission of FVP and how this is achieved with each annual project.

FVP Chart 2022

To keep up to date with FVP and what we are doing please follow our social media and check out our website.


Talia Miller

FVP 2025

We are in the planning phase for FVP 2025. Applications for FVP 2025 team members will open later this year.

Meet the Team

Sara Goldberg

Sara Goldberg (she/her)

  • Point of contact and coordinator for all Australian participants regarding the international trip.
  • Oversees the application process (open to all Australian medical, nursing, dental and public health students).
  • Works closely with the International Coordinators from Fiji and New-Zealand to organise and execute the international trip, the projects mission, and aims.
  • Promotes and creates awareness about the Fiji Village Project.
  • Liaises with ANUMSS.
  • Manages the FVP finances.

Fiji Village Project (FVP)

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