Becoming a member of GPSN is free! Members gain access to support and training opportunities from both the local and national General Practice Network.
We are an organisation that seeks to promote General Practice, but also to encourage students to have a more holistic approach to health. Even if you’re not sure yet whether General Practice is for you, you’ll find plenty of opportunities to develop your clinical skills by joining GPSN.
Events in 2023
- February: O-Week Trivia
- March: Careers Evening
- TBA: Statewide Event in Sydney
Opportunities and Support
National Working Groups
Work with other medical students from around Australia on various projects and research close to your heart. ANU GPSN is looking to recruit a Working Group Officer for 2021. Email anu@student.gpra.org.au if you’re interested.
Being a member of GPSN opens the door to numerous scholarships and grants. They include:
- NTGPE (Northern Territory General Practice Education).
- ACRRM (Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine).
- RACGP (Royal Australian College of General Practitioners).
GPSN National Council and GPRA
Access to support and guidance from GPRA (General Practice Registrars Australia), the parent organisation of GPSN. Lots of free resources and plenty of networking opportunities. Membership to GPSN continues all the way to Registrar level.
Meet the GPSN Team
Bridget McCormack
Labiba Rahman
Andrea Yan